YHWH (Purposeful not Mysterious)
YHWH (Purposeful not Mysterious), is one of the areas we as humans struggle the most. I’m sure you’ve heard, repeatedly, “God works in mysterious ways.” Too many times we stand on the opposing side of God not knowing we are even doing it and/or unwilling to follow what He has asked of us. So let’s talk about what it means to be purposeful and not mysterious.
A mysterious person, by nature and by definition, is one who goes out of their way to keep information away from you. That’s not our Father’s Modus Operandi. He has gone out of His way to make sure we understand where He is coming from and what He thinks about us as people. The love He experiences for us every day.
Here is a fact. Life is hard. We have horrific struggles; there are ups and downs, there are trials and tribulations and adversity without end. There are great times and good times and ok times. Remember, Jesus said “in this world you will have tribulations (troubles). This is a fact of life. There’s no such thing as a trouble free life. The Father gave us authority over the Earth. He said to us (paraphrased of course) take care of my gift to you but know I will be with you the whole time.
Where can this be found? The Bible, of course: Genesis (when He chose to meet Adam in the cool of the evening), Moses (at the burning bush), Joshua (Be strong and courageous), Abraham (Go to a land that I will show you), Jacob, David, Solomon, Paul, Peter and the apostles were all told there would be someone with them always no matter what they went through.
God’s Creativity
How many times did YHWH tell Joshua to be strong and of a good courage? Seven. Why did He tell Joshua that? Because He knows how hard it is for seeing, thinking, logical, rational people to follow Him. God addresses this too, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Which of us would think to go to war with pots and pans? Which of us would think to walk around a wall seven times and then shout thinking it will fall to the ground? Not a single one of us. In our minds, that would be insane!
You see, God has gone out of His way to show us He is not mysterious. To make the assumption God is mysterious is to think He is going to work within our expectations. “We, would have done it this way. Since God didn’t, he must be a mystery.” This is not so. YHWH loves each and every one of us. He sits back and lets us make our choices. He promised us there would be NO excuses. To think this life is ALL there is… is arrogant! Who are we to assume that the one who gave us the mind we have to be disrespectful to His desires for us is short sited, how dare we! We harden our hearts to His desire and then turn on Him and say YOU (Father) blew it! This is your fault!
We inherited a fallen world! A world full of sin and hatred for God the Father and his son Jesus the Christ.
Segway to the millennial reign
Briefly, let’s talk about the millennial reign. This is the time when many of us are restored to the initial state of Adam. Then, to show you, the heart of man is unnaturally and desperately wicked He releases Satan from his bonds and you know what happens? After 1000 years of peace and harmony there are still those who are bent on destruction. They become rebellious and they want to be just like God. The people want to take what God has created. Once that choice is made, they are forever destroyed and then they will never again see the light of day; after they have been given EVERY opportunity to be successful.
This is not a mystery, this information is known and easy to find. There is nothing mysterious about God. He has told you exactly where He stands at all times. Yahweh, strives to tell us, I LOVE YOU!!! I know my thoughts of you and they are for good and NOT for evil to an expected end. Understand I am the ultimate father who is not limited in my decision making abilities; because I can see the beginning from the end and I know how to get you where WE are going. Walk with me. Today I lay before YOU LIFE AND DEATH, BLESSINGS AND CURSES, CHOOSE ye life. Choose life.’
Everything God does has a purpose behind it. The sun rotates to stabilize our gravitational fields; while simultaneously warming our planet. Consummation relaxes a male and allows a female to see herself differently as a woman, and produces children and keeps the world populated. We have two legs and two arms because it allows us to get more done and to function with ease. Trees have bark to protect the tree and to give species of bugs a place to get away from the sun. Birds build nests because it gives them a place to hatch their eggs.
There is nothing on this planet created in vain, haphazzardly or without a purpose. What makes you think we would be any different? The seasons all have a purpose. Winter is when everything goes dormant so it can rest for the following year or dies so something else can be born in its place. Fall starts the dying process which is why all the leaves fall to the ground. Spring waters the ground so our crops and food can grow and summer is the time when everything is finishing up its growth for the fall harvest. Every season has a purpose.
Humans are here to tend to the earth, to take care of the animals and to lead the way in what is right in the eyes of Yahweh. Your purpose according to God is to get out there and win people for His kingdom and to be an example of what Yahweh is looking for His children to be and do. Then when this life is over, your purpose is to enter into the millennial reign where you will experience Him face to face everyday and spend your time learning from and working with both He and Jesus.
God’s Ultimate Goal For US
Life is never ending, for those who love the Lord, and the ultimate goal is to spend time with Him and your heavenly family. We are all expected to work and to accomplish things. None of us are allowed to sit back and be slothful. To ensure we understood his existence, He, Yahweh created the finger print so each and every one of us knew we were a one of a kind original! With that knowledge, why do we spend so much time trying to be a copy cat?
Yes, life is going to be challenging but the one thing we should all take solace in is that nothing we endure goes to waste. For those of you already walking with the Father, when you look back at your life the pattern you should see is how everything has worked together to create the person you are today. Here’s what that looks like: x number of years ago this happened and today I finally got to see how that fit into the scheme of my life. Followed by the story of what you experienced. The benefits of the God we serve is how he takes every little thing and turns it into a valuable experience that can be used in service to another person. This gives us the opportunity to take every pain, sadness, joy, heartbreak and use it to make us better than we thought we could be.
A Life of Purpose
With a purposeful God, you can always trust He is looking out for your best interest. He is working behind the scenes to make sure you are becoming the best version of yourself you can be. Being the alpha and omega God knows the hardships you are going to face. Remember, we live in a fallen world! Our world is broken and the Earth is an automated machine! That machine is moving and nothing can stop it now.
What does that mean? It means this, when a man and a woman come together an egg is fertilized. This process does not discriminate if the people are drug addicts, criminals, pedophiles, or a happily married couple who wants to start a family. See automated.
We often forget this process! So when we ask “why did God let this happen?” Baby boy, it was an automated process that produced you. What God did was make sure you have the breath of life and his artist mark (your one of a kind fingerprints). That breath is how we know, no matter what we endure our Heavenly Father has chosen to walk us through the hardship. Now the real question is are we going to allow the hardships to bitter us or are we going to become better. Choose ye life (become better). Harriet Tubman did, Oprah did, Tyler Perry did and many other well known figures from all walks of life suffered but have fought their way through to become who you see today!
YHWH has no desire for us to endure pain, but our forefathers (Adam and Eve) made a choice and as a result we now have to endure hardships. Know this, God in His wisdom and purpose for us said, “Get them out of the garden before they eat from the tree of life or this world will never end.” Adam and Eve were gone, from the Garden of Eden, within that hour and that is why we die.
God Makes His purpose known
God’s purpose for us is to get us into His world, where we can grow through the millennial reign and be brought back to Adam’s original state. He is bringing all of us to a place where we can know constant and unending fellowship with Him and see who He truly is.
God knows we don’t have the ability to physically see him every day; the angels do! They see him morning, noon and night. What is there to have faith in when you already know He exists? We don’t have faith in people we see everyday, we don’t have to believe they are walking with us because we can see with our own eyes their walk or distance from us. Faith is a necessity in order to make it to the millennial reign because it forces us to believe something we can not see with our physical eyes! That is why God made sure we knew to walk by faith and not by sight. Remember, faith is the ESSENCE of things hoped for the EVIDENCE of things NOT yet seen!
Yahweh again, has worked to make his purpose for us known. He has told us: I want to bring my kingdom down to earth and spend my life and time with you. I want to get to know each and every one of you on a personal level. I want to know what you think, how you feel, what you want, your hopes and dreams and where you want to go. Let’s have coffee (good luck finding that specific in the bible) and just chat. Allow me to create things you have never before seen and show you how to reach heights you never thought possible. As I was there for Moses, Jacob, Joshua and David, I equally want to be there with you. Partner with me and let me show you where you can go.
These are facts. Even in this fallen world God wants to walk with us and YOU specifically! He wants to spend as much time with you as you will allow Him to.
Additional Thoughts
Before we close today, there is something else to show you. Let’s address the most frustrating question ever, “Why does God allow this to happen?” First of all, God doesn’t allow any of this. Humans chose this! And we choose it everyday!
God said Listen; “don’t have sex outside of marriage.” What did we do, fight for the right to fall in bed with anyone we want. God said “Listen rotate your crops so your fields get to rest every 7th year.” What did we do? We filled the land with drugs. God said “Don’t put other Gods before me.” What did we do? We began to worship his creation, each other, demons, familiar spirits and so on.
God said “remove abominations from you (an abomination is anything that works against the natural order God set in place.) What did we do? We embraced the abominations and we confused an entire generation of children. God said, “If you spare the rod you will spoil the child and he will bring you sadness.” What did we do? We made corporal punishment illegal and tell kids if your parents hit you we will take them to jail and now you wonder why there are school shootings?
Our Role In all of this
God didn’t allow ANY of this. WE DID!!! Take responsibility for your part in our world. Each and every one of us is responsible for our part of the world. We can’t tell people we serve Christ yet there is no change in our behavior. That is a double minded man who is unstable in all his ways. We can’t allow our children to run out of the house in skirts that are too short, pants that hang down to their ankles or engrossed in an ipod, tablet or a video game system. The further we allow the family to move away from what is right, the farther we move away from YHWH, then the greater the struggles we are going to have. Separation from God means separation from his light and greater problems.
When we understand that God has a purpose for the pain we are enduring and a way to make us a better version of ourselves, through Christ Jesus, walking around with our head held high should not be hard. We are heirs to the throne! Find me a king who hangs his head and I’ll show you an imposter. Imposters hang their heads low because they talk one thing but walk another! Remember, Jesus came down and gave his life for us voluntarily because His Father knows what He is doing. The moment we realize that; is the moment we stop worrying and trust that God is taking care of it!
See you later, Gator!